Monday, February 20, 2012

It's the it.

The alarm goes off and you open your eyes, but to say you're awake would be an exaggeration. You've simply woke up and you're moving.  A long sigh starts from your head and stretches down to your feet, "Another day." And you're holding it

You make your coffee, grab some breakfast, and start the routine and the it comes along with you, stuck to your side like velcro, standing in the way of your long list of tasks you have waiting, the unread messages that are lurking on your phone and your Facebook notifications and the bolded e-mails are screaming.... and are the reminders that life goes on in despite of the it. People are talking and you're looking at them in the eyes, nodding your head, smiling, laughing, but your head is filled [it it it it it.]

You start digging into your to-do tasks and without really knowing how a few things are checked off and despite these small achievements you're still feeling unaccomplished and your distraction is conspicuously haunting your vision. 

It is not an unfamiliar companion and you'd rather hold it then unraveling all that is contained within it. You're numb to it. You're okay with it. But not really. 

The day is coming to an end.... "What happened today?" and the it it iT IT IT has never been so loudly hindering your every move, building bitterness, frustration, resentment....: "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!"

Does this sound familiar to you? (If it doesn't, feel free to discuss it on your own time but please don't reveal this to me. You'll make me feel like a crazy person.... or you may make me feel like this is the "it" I'm talking about): 

Whoever wrote this book must have had a lot of creepy thoughts. 
For the purposes of this post, I'm defining it as anything that distracts you from the drive that you desire to hold in each day. However, it's difficult to find purpose in your days if there's something (an it) between you, God, and all your potential in the meaningful moments you could be fulfilling.

My it exists in many fashions and can usually be solved in one of these three different ways: 

1) Let it go. Some things that are distracting in our lives are straight-up out of our control. It's important to identify what we can or cannot change, and if it's not something that we can fix, we must give these things up. And that's not easy.

2) Work through it. An it can be something that's not going to be able to be dropped in one swoop and may uncover some pain, and we might not be ready to let go of the it. This letting go process either takes time and energy or simply a strong dose of confidence, but dealing with it far less irritating then living with the distraction and taking its toll. 

3) Just do it. Oftentimes the it is a nagging task waiting to be tackled. Something that needs to be said? Say it. Something that needs to be done? Do it. Something that needs to be changed? Change it. We can't live annoyed with the it when it can be easily disposed. 

What is your it this week? Is there something at the back (or forefront) or your mind that's a major distraction and is it in your control? I've got my it and there's a way to deal with it, do it, or let it go.  


  1. This is very true and very inspiring. Definitely something to think about. Thank you for posting this! I'm sure it will help me get over the "it" in my life.

  2. I love this post Kristin, but IT is challenging! I too often allow IT to ruin my days! Thanks love

  3. a big problem in my life. IT consistently consumes my time and causes great anxiety. Letting go is one of the hardest things to do...I am still struggling to do this with ease.
